15. HTML audio tag in English, audio in web page in English, HTML hr tag in English

HTML and CSS through English, HTML and CSS Lessons
HTML and CSS tutorial for beginners

Hello friends, welcome to KTL's HTML and CSS tutorial. Today we will study lesson 15.

In our previous lesson, we saw how to display a video in a web page.

Today we will study inserting an audio clip in a web page.

HTML audio

Let us open a new Notepad file. In this file copy all text from Lesson-14.

HTML5 provides <audio> tag to insert an audio in a web page.

Audio tag has an attribute "controls". This attribute adds controls like play, pause, and volume control.

HTML source element

Audio element contains another element <source> where we can give the name of audio file. "src" attribute of source element specifies name of audio file. There is another attribute for <source> namely "type". Carefully see how <source> element is written.

It should be

<source src="name of audio" type="audio/mpeg">

Therefore our code will like this:

<audio controls>
<source src="mus.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Audio is not supported by your browser.

Let us begin. Open a new Notepad file. Open Lesson-14. Copy statements from first line to <body>. Insert above code. Give </body> and </html>.

HTML audio tag in English, inserting audio in web page in English, hr   tag in English, draw horizontal line in web page
Figure 15-1. HTML audio tag

HTML horizontal line

Friends, we have used a new tag here <hr>. This is used to draw a horizontal line in a web page.

Now save this file as "Lesson-15". Again save this file as "Lesson-15.html". Double click on HTML Document. Our audio is inserted in the web page.

HTML audio tag in English, audio file in web page
Figure 15-2 Audio file in web page

Click on the above figure for PDF file of source code. Note that we can give second <source> element where we can mention name of another audio file. Browser will display this second audio if first cannot be shown.

Text written in <audio> and </audio> ("Audio is not supported by your browser") is not displayed. This is displayed if browser does not support <audio>.

Important Points:

1. HTML5 provides <audio> tag to insert an audio in a web page.
2. <audio> tag has a "controls" attribute, which displays controls like play, pause, volume.
3. <source> element is used to specify the name of audio file.
4. <source> element has "src" attribute where we can mention the name of audio file. This element has another attribute "type" where we can mention the type of audio file.

Lesson-14                                                             Lesson-16