12. HTML description list in English, HTML nested list in English

HTML and CSS through English, HTML and CSS Lessons
HTML and CSS tutorial for beginners in English

Hello friends, welcome to KTL's HTML and CSS tutorial. Today we will study lesson 12.

In our previous lesson, we studied how to create lists in a web page.

Today we will study giving description of items in a list. We will also see how to create nested lists.

Description lists

In a description list we can give description for items in a list.
Let us see a description list. Open a new Notepad file. In this file copy Lesson-11 from <!doctype> tag to </p> tag.

<dl> tag is used for a description list. <dt> is used to define an item in a list. <dd> tag is used for description of this item. After </p> write the following code to create a description list.

<dt>Cat</dt><dd>Cat is a pet animal</dd>
<dt>Dog</dt><dd>Dog is a pet animal</dd>
<dt>Tiger</dt><dd>Tiger is a wild animal</dd>
<dt>Lion</dt><dd>Lion is a wild animal</dd>

Close body and html tags - </body>, </html>.

Save this as "Lesson-12". Again save as Lesson-12.html. See following figure 12-1 for clarity. See the output. A description list is displayed.

Nested lists

Now let us study about nested lists. A nested list looks as follows: Give <br /><br /> and write following code:

<ol type="1"> - Create list of type 1. (This is outer list).
<li>Pet animals</li> - First item in outer list
    <ol type="a">    - Begin inner list for first item of outer list.
          <li>Cat</li>    - First item of inner list.
          <li>Dog</li>     - Second item of inner list
     </ol> -End inner list
 </li> - End first item of outer list
<li>Wild animals</li> -Second item in the outer list
    <ol type="a">
</ol> - End outer list

Read above code carefully. A list inside another list is a nested list. This is very simple. Simply create one list inside another list.

HTML description list, HTML nested list, HTML dl tag, HTML dt tag, and   HTML dd tag
Figure 12-1. HTML description list and nested list

Let us understand this coding. There are two items in outer list "Pet animals" and "Wild animals". "Pet animals" contains a list of two animal names and "Wild animals" contains names of two animals.

Save file as "Lesson-12". Save same file as "Lesson-12.html". 
Click on figure 12-1 for PDF file of source code. See the output. A nested list is displayed.

HTML description list, HTML nested list, HTML dl tag, HTML dt tag, and   HTML dd tag
Figure 12-2 HTML description list and HTML nested list

Start attribute of <ol> tag

We can also change numbering of list items. For example instead of starting numbering from 1, we can start from 10. "start" attribute is used for this. For example, <ol start="10">.

Important points:

1. In a description list we can give descriptions for items in a list.
2. Tags <dl>, <dt>, <dd> are used for a description list.
3. We can create lists for items of a main list. This creates a list inside another list. This displays a nested list.
4. We can begin numbering from any number that we wish using "start" attribute in <ol> tag.

Lesson-11                                                             Lesson-13